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Student representation
Make your voice heard!

Student representative

As student representative you’ll have the possibility to influence your education and the university’s work. You’ll also get the possibility to represent yourself, your classmates and Gefle Student Union in the meetings you’ll attend. Take the chance to influence your education and by extension – your future! Depending on what you are interested in, you as a student can be a student representative in bodies at all levels, from the university's highest decision-making body to councils that concern your particular education, education councils.

Student representatives must be involved in preparatory and decision-making bodies to present views and participate in decisions. Thereby, they contribute to developing and improving the education and the students' situation at the University of Gävle.


What does the law on student representation say?​

Students have the right to exercise influence over their education at universities. The higher education institutions shall work to ensure that students take an active part in the work of further developing the education (HL Chapter 1, Section 4a). Students have the right to be represented when decisions are made, or preparation takes place that is important for the education or the students' situation (HL Chapter 2, Section 7). If a decision is to be made by a single person, information must be provided, and a student representative consulted in good time before the decision or completion of the preparation. 


What does a student representative do?

If you have been appointed to represent the students in one of the university's bodies, you represent all students who are involved. You therefore have an important responsibility to ensure that you know as much as possible about the issues to be monitored. It is also important to have contact with other students to get their views and opinions. When you are called to meetings of the university, different types of documentation often come with it. Some of these may be work material that is not public and may not be released for public distribution.

Student representatives who are part of decision-making bodies have the same responsibilities and powers as other members. If the body makes decisions that go against what you as a student representative want, you can make a reservation against the decision or request that a dissenting opinion be noted in the protocol.


All committee and council meetings pay a fee when you are elected to Gefle Students' Union! The fee is payed retroactively at the beginning of each term.

  • You receive 500 sek for meetings less than 3 hours

  • You receive 1000 sek for meetings of 3 hours or more


Where are there places for student representatives?

At the university, you can become a student representative on a number of different committees and councils. Everything from the university's highest decision-making body, the University Board, to the local board of education that deals with issues for your program!


The University Board
The University Board is the university's highest decision-making body and, together with the vice-chancellor, constitutes the top management. Decisions are made here on all major and strategic decisions for the university, for example budget and business plan (place for 1 representative).


The Education and Research Board (UFN) 

Has as an area of responsibility to ensure and develop the quality of the University's educations, regardless of whether education is given as campus, distance or as commissioned education (place for 3 representatives).


The Academic Appointments Board

The board is appointed by UFN and handles matters concerning employment for various assignments. As a representative, you may participate in job interviews and influence (place for 2 representatives where PA students are given priority).


Work environment - Student

Works with students' work environment and works to ensure that you as a student have a good work environment during your study time (place for 1 representative).


Academy Council

The Academy Council is an advisory body for the head of the academy and its main task is to deal with, among other things, the budget, establishment of courses, course plans and guidelines for examination (place for 3 representatives per academy).


Education Council

Each program has an education council, in which your program is discussed. The education councils have student representatives, teacher representatives and representatives from the business community (number of places for representatives varies between different education councils).

Where does the union represent me?


The University Board

The University Board is the university's highest decision-making body and, together with the vice-chancellor, constitutes the top management. Decisions are made here on all major and strategic decisions for the university, for example budget and business plan. You are represented by the union's president, vice president and 1 student representative.


The Collaboration Council

The university, the union's president and representatives from the business community are represented on the Collaboration Council. There, collaboration is discussed and how the various representatives can be helped to resolve issues concerning the region.


Vice-chancellor’s Management Group

The Vice-chancellor's management group is a support council for the Vice-chancellor, where the Vice-chancellor has the opportunity to submit the management's opinions and discuss various issues before decisions. You are represented by the union president.


Vice-chancellor’s decision meetings

Vice-chancellor’s decision meetings are specific meeting occasions where the principal makes decisions. To ensure that the decisions have student influence, the union is represented.


University Director’s decision meetings

The decision meetings of the university director are specific meeting occasions where the university director makes decisions. To ensure that the decisions have student influence, the union is represented.


The Disciplinary Board

The board handles all disciplinary cases at the university. If you, for example, are accused of using unauthorised aids during examinations. The unions president and vice president are a part of the board to secure the student perspective. Please note that the president and vice president are impartial in all cases.


The Education and Research Board (UFN)

Has as an area of responsibility to ensure and develop the quality of the University's educations, regardless of whether education is given as campus, distance or as commissioned education. The board have places for the unions vice president and three student representatives.


The Work Environment Committee

The Work Environment Committee is the local collaboration forum for all work environment groups at the university and handles work environment issues at the local level. The unions vice president has a place in the committee.


Work Environment – Student

Work Environment – Student is the forum handling matters concerning students working environment. Students have the same lawful right to a good physical and psychological working environment as the personnel at the university. The unions vice president and students are a part of this group.


ANDT group

A body where the municipality, the university, the union and other representatives together discuss alcohol, drugs, performance drugs and tobacco, and plan preventive measures. ​

The applications for student representatives will open again in August -21.

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